What does Ramadaan mean to you?

What does Ramadaan mean to you?

Success, in whatever we do depends on how clear we are on the objectives we want to achieve and how well we plan for it. What does Ramadaan mean to you? Does it mean more to you than, for example, going for a vacation or excursion?

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Are you mentally and psychologically ready to attain all the goodness Ramadaan has to offer? Are you then spending enough time and taking pains to plan how you can get the most benefit from the opportunity Ramadaan affords you?
Some people do plan for Ramadaan but that planning is only to the extent of who to invite for Iftaar and what special foods to prepare or how to get the best deal on dates? But is this the type of outcome that is the objective of Ramadaan?

Amongst others, The objectives of Ramadaan are:
* to increase our Taqwaa
* to make us more charitable, and
* to strengthen our knowledge of the Holy Qur’aan.
So, what are the action plans you want to undertake during Ramadaan so that when it departs, you have seen significant growth in your Taqwaa, you are more giving and more tuned to the Qur’aan?
Ramadaan is a wonderful opportunity to help us fine tune our normal patterns of behaviour thereby changing us for the better. We can ask ourselves the question: What areas of our personality, attitude, behaviour, daily routines and lifestyle, etc. do we need to change to bring us closer to the Islamic standard?
What aspect of your life have you decided to improve on during this Ramadaan and what are your plans for achieving this change?

We all need many changes and many improvements. None of us is perfect and our list of proposed improvements can be exceedingly long if we were being honest with ourselves. Naturally, one cannot pick a big list and work on all those areas in one month. The best approach is to pick one or two aspects of your personality where the change is needed most importantly and then, devise a plan to make some defined improvements in those areas this Ramadaan.

Success in making the change would make you a winner this Ramadaan and the month will be one of great triumph and blessings for you.

If you have decided to make this a meaningful and triumphant Ramadaan by identifying areas requiring improvement and if you have prepared a plan of action, may Allaah Subhaanahu wa Ta’aala assist you and bless you for taking this step in your life.

by Ayub Hamid

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