10 Great goals to set for this Ramadaan

1. Eat, drink and be moderate Almost all of us do it – once Iftaar time hits, we just keep ploughing food and drink into our mouths till it’s hard to move afterwards. And those of us who do it…
A History of Fasting

Nabi Aadam alayhis salaam was the first person on earth to fast. He would fast on the 13, 14 &15th of each Islamic month. A benefit of this fast was that his complexion returned to the colour it was in…

Nabi Sallallaahu alaihi wasallam said: “The difference between our fast and that of the Ahlul-Kitaab (Jews and Christians) is that we eat Sehri and they do not.” Nabi Sallallaahu alahi wasallam said: “Eat Sehri, because in it lies great blessings.”…
Niyyah (Intention) for fasting

Niyyah for fasting نويت صوم غد عن ا داء فرض رمضان ھذه ا لسنةإيمانا واحتسابا لله تعا ل I intend to fast tomorrow with sincerity and faith to perform The incumbent duty of Ramadaan of this year, for the sake…
Who is exempted from fasting?

Fasting is compulsory on any male or female that has reached the age of puberty. They must be of sound mind and good health. Young children should also be encouraged to fast however do not force them if they are…
On whom is fasting compulsory?

Fasting is compulsory on any male or female that has reached the age of puberty. They must be of sound mind and good health. Young children should also be encouraged to fast however do not force them if they are…
Fasting in Ramadaan

Ramadaan is the 9th month of the Islamic calendar. Only once the moon has been sighted will Ramadaan commence. Fasting is the one of the five pillars of Islam and it is obligatory on every male and female who has…
Kaffarah and Fidyah

Kaffarah Kaffarah is the penalty which is imposed by the Shariah for the deliberate and flagrant nullification of the Saum of Ramadaan. Kaffarah applies to only the Saum (fasting) of Ramadaan. Kaffarah comes into force only if the Niyyat for…