Mini Focaccia

Mini Focaccia

Small bread discs with olives and herbs

625ml cake flour

5ml salt

10ml sugar

10ml instant dry yeast

30ml olive oil

about 180ml lukewarm milk or water

For topping

100ml olive oil

fresh rosemary or herbs of choice

4 garlic cloves, chopped finely

15ml coarse salt


Sift flour, sugar and salt twice into a bowl.
Sprinkle yeast over flour and mix with fingers.
In a jug mix oil and water/milk.
Pour over flour and mix into a soft dough. Dough must not be too dry.
Knead dough for 10-15min until soft and pliable.
Grease a clean bowl with olive oil and place dough into a bowl. Pat top lightly with olive oil and allow to rise until double in size. Cover with clingwrap.
Roll dough into a long sausage. Cut into equal sized pieces or to size that is desired.
Roll into a ball on flat surface and flatten each ball into a flat disc about 15mm thick.
Place on a greased baking sheet. Press holes on top of dough with forefinger and brush lightly with olive oil and press herbs into holes.
Sprinkle with garlic and allow to rise again for 15min in a warm place.
Sprinkle with coarse salt and bake at 200ºC for 15-20min.
Serve with cottage cheese dip.

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