1kg fresh fish of choice
2 onions
2 tomatoes
1 green pepper
2Tbs lemon juice
2Tbs chilli powder
10ml crushed garlic
50ml mayonnaise
5ml turmeric
salt and pepper to taste
10ml oil
fresh dhunya leaves
1 green chilli, optional
– Liquidize 1 onion, one tomato and ½ green pepper. Place lemon juice, chilie powder, garlic, mayo, turmeric, curry leaves, and salt and pepper into a pot
– Add liquidized mixture and cook until mixture thickens. Cool.
– Marinade fish in cooked mixture for 1hour. Place in greased casserole and bake for 10-15min covered with foil. Meanwhile slice tomato, onion and green pepper , Cover fish with sliced vegetables.
– Place in oven for a further 10-15min. Cook till done.
– Garnish with dhunya and whole green chillies