Creamy dhania textured sauce with a different colour

Creamy dhania textured sauce with a different colour

500gr Chicken fillets cubed
30ml Butter or margerine
1 Onion chopped finely
1 bunch Dhania liquidize
250ml Freshcream
100ml Milk
15ml Cornflour [mix to milk]
Salt to taste
A few drops egg yellow food colouring

10ml Jeera powder
10ml Koljana powder
5ml Chicken spice
15ml Garlic paste
3 Chillies chopped

Sprinkle a little salt and the food colouring over the chicken and mix well.
Add butter in a meduim size pot and braise chicken over low heat for 10- 15mins till half cooked taking care not to let chicken pieces break. Remove from pot.
In same pot saute onion till soft and brown. Add water to pot.
Add chicken paste to pot and simmer till aroma arises, taking care not to burn.
Add the liquidize dhunia and milk to pot and reduce slightly [should not be watery]
Add chicken to pot , close lid and gently cook for 5-10mins.
Add cream and stir lightly[ do not break chicken pieces.]
Cook for 5minutes or till done.

Serve with Naan Bread, Roties, Puris or Coconut rice.
The ingredients to this sauce gives you and unusual greeny, yellowy creamy colour that is just so delectable………..

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